Payment Plan Information

Thank you for wanting to resolve your outstanding HOA or Water/Sewer/Infrastructure (W/S/I) Balances. In order to set up a payment plan, you will need to provide the following information to Magdalena Gembal, Account Manager at [email protected]. Please make sure you note whether it will be an HOA or Metro District (W/S/I) plan, or if you need a plan for both

              1. First and Last Name

              2. Physical Address

              3. Mailing Address

              4. Email Address

              5. Phone Number

              6. Amount you can pay every month *must be more than the current fee of $75 for HOA and $161 for W/S/I as you must remain current on your account while on a payment plan

              7. Due Date every month *whatever day is best for you to pay

              Payment Plan Rules & Restrictions

  • You must make, at least, the minimum payment agreed upon in the plan. If you are unable to make the minimum, you MUST reach out to Magdalena Gembal PRIOR to the due date of the payment to notify her
  • If you are unable to make the payment on the due date and will be late, you MUST reach out to Magdalena Gembal PRIOR to the due date to notify her
  • We strongly request that you set up an auto-payment through AmCoBi so you do not miss a payment, 877-410-0167 x2

              FAILURE to make the minimum payment on the due date will result in a breach of the agreement and the FULL BALANCE will become due IMMEDIATELY

              We sincerely want to work with you towards paying off your balances. If you work with us, we will work with you. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact

             Magdalena Gembal, [email protected]  970-926-6060 x107


              Two Rivers HOA Board & Two Rivers Metro District Board