
Sprinkler System Fall Shut Off

Two Rivers is now in the process of blowing out and shutting off the sprinkler system for the season.

Please turn your water off (down in the crawl space) if you have not done so already.  We cannot shut down the sprinkler system if the water inside is on.

Once you have your water off email Craig at [email protected] with the subject line “water off” and we will get the sprinkles blown out and shut off.  Be sure to include your address.

If you’re unsure on how to turn the water off please see this instructional video:

Sprinkler Systems Spring Start Up

Two Rivers has been in the process of starting the irrigations systems of residents. 

Please turn your water on (down in the crawl space) if you have not done so already.  We cannot start your sprinklers if the water inside is off.

Once you have your water on email Craig at [email protected] with the subject line “water on” and we will get your sprinkles going.  Be sure to include your address.

Weed and Feed

If you wish to opt out of the weed and feed, please email Craig at [email protected] -please put in the subject line “opt out”.  Be sure to include your address.