Welcome to the Two Rivers Village Homeowners Association website

This website provides relevant information pertaining to the HOA. On this site you are able to pay your dues, and submit maintenance requests. You will also find all of the governing documents for the HOA. Please use this website as a resource for community matters.
***IMPORTANT: To sign up for pool and gym access or to rent the community center for your events, please visit the Two Rivers Metropolitan District website at www.tworiversmetrodistrict.org/amenities or click HERE. ***

Lawn/Pool/ General Community Maintenance Questions

If you have any questions or issues, please contact Community Manager- Craig Plizga

[email protected] or call 970-829-1667

Billing/Design Review Questions

HOA Administrator- Magdalena Gembal [email protected]

970-926-6060 ext. 107


Weed and Feed starts on 05/15/2024 on neighborhood yards

If you wish to opt out of the weed and feed, please email Craig at [email protected] -please put in the subject line “opt out”.  Be sure to include your address.

Seal Coat 08/15/24

Tomorrow they will be finishing up the seal coating of the roads that were unfinished earlier.  That means a lot of the neighborhood roods will be closed on Friday (08/16/24).

All of Rainbow, Brook, Minnow and Pike will be closed - You will need to be off these roads by 8am and may not be able to park on them Friday night if they are still wet.

Note that Catfish and Bluegill streets have been completed.

HOA Annual Member Meeting December 4, 2024 6:00PM

*Agenda and packet will be posted at least 24h in advance. A shorter version of it will be mailed to all residents at least 2 weeks in advance. *